Putty is used for improving the appearance of rough surfaces in concrete, wood or metal. This compound can have variable composition, expanding the concept of this category of materials, not limiting it to a single product.
This solution can be diluted with acrylic additives or glass fibres increasing its strength and workability.
The plastering of the walls serves as a basis for each subsequent processing, to then spread the final finish of the chosen colour.
What is the most suitable tool for spraying putty? How does it work and what are the advantages of using these solutions for writing with Airless?
The Tecnover TR15000T airless paint sprayer is suitable for the application of filler thanks to its simple, clean and effective operating mechanism, capable of ensuring excellent performance, as well as speed in execution.
The tank, with a capacity of 30 litres, is made of powder-coated metal to contain the filler that, through the dispensing tube attached to the special gun, will be spread on the affected walls.
What are the advantages of using this equipment?
- Fast execution
- Excellent and precise finish
- Excellent coverage
- Easy to reach even corners
- Perfect fogging without creating fog in the work area.
Tecnover can be your reliable and competent partner, able to suggest the most suitable products and equipment for the application of putty on any surface. Don’t miss the chance to rely on our many years of experience.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]